Indian kid successfully climbs Kalapatthar

Indian kid successfully climbs Kalapatthar

A five year and 11 month old Indian boy claimed to have set a new world record by successfully climbing Kalapatthar peak, some 200 metre above the base camp of Mount Everest in Nepal.

Harshit Saumitra, the son a famous mountaineer from India, reached 5,554 m high Kalapatthar on October 17.Harshit’s climbing team included his father Rajeev Saumitra and two Sherpa guides.

Harshit had embarked towards the Everest base camp on October 7, when he landed at Lukla Airport by a helicopter.It took the boy 10 days to reach the base camp, for which ordinary people take 7 days.

“I had taken special precaution for his safety and his health condition is perfectly sound,” said his father.Harshit was moving towards the base camp located in North-East Nepal at a time when dozens of people, mostly foreigners, lost their lives in the Himalayas, due to snow blizzard in North-West Nepal.


“We took two days’ rest at a tent on way to the base camp to protect from the blizzard,” Rajeev said.He has not shown any symptoms of headache or high altitude sickness during the climbing, despite his young age, he added.

“Jay Hind, India is the great,” Harshit said waving the Indian tri-colour after reaching Kalapatthar.The peak is higher than the highest peaks of three continents, Europe’s Mount Blanc (4,810 m), Antartica’s Vinson Massif (4,892 m) and Australia’s Punack Jaya or Carstensz Pyramid (4,884 m).

Harshit has set a world record by breaking earlier records, claimed his father Rajeev at a press conference in Kathmandu.The boy had broken the record set by seven-year-old Aryan Balaji, another Indian boy, who had reached the Everest base camp and Kalapatthar in May 2012.

Harshit’s father said that he will start the process of registering the name of Harshit for Limca Book of Records from tomorrow.”We will provide all the evidences including his birth certificate and the video clippings of the climbing,” he said.

“We are also considering to apply for Guinness World Records for our claim of setting a world record shortly,” he added.

ल्यान्डमार्क होटलको दिपावली अफर, प्याकेजमा २५ पतिशत छुट

ल्यान्डमार्क होटलको दिपावली अफर, प्याकेजमा २५ पतिशत छुट

सम्राट ग्रुपले आन्तरिक पर्यटकका लागी पोखरा र सौराहामा सञ्चालित होटल तथा रिसोर्टमा ‘दिपावली अफर’ घोषणा गरेको छ ।

अफर अन्तर्गत दुबै होटलका हरेक प्याकेजमा २५ प्रतिशत छुट उपलब्ध गराउने बताइएको छ ।


हाेटल ल्यान्डमार्का पाेखरा

सम्राट ग्रुपले पोखराको लेकसाइडमा होटल ल्यान्डमार्क पोखरा र सौराहामा ल्यान्डमार्क फरेष्ट पार्क रिसोर्ट सञ्चालन गरिरहेको छ ।

छुटसँगै पोखराको होटलमा प्रतिव्यक्ति ७ हजार ७७७ रुपैयाँको दुई रात तीन दिनको प्याकेज अब ५ हजार ८ सय रुपैयाँमा उपलब्ध हुने सम्राट ग्रुपका सिइओ सिएन पाण्डेले जानकारी दिए छ ।

त्यसैगरि सौराहामा रहेको रिसोर्टमा प्रतिव्यक्ति ९ हजार ९ सय ९० रुपैयाँको दुई रात तीन दिनको प्याकेज अब ७ हजार ५ सय रुपैयाँमा पाइने छ ।

प्याकेजमा पाइने सेवा सुविधाहरु

छुटसहितको प्याकेजमा पोखरा घुम्न जाने नेपालीहरुलाई होटलमा प्रवेश गर्दा चिसो पेयपदार्थले स्वागत गरिने छ ।

यस प्याकेजमा डिलक्स रुममा बस्न पाइने छ भने हरेक दिन ब्रेकफाष्ट, साँस्कृतिक नृत्यका साथमा डिनर सुविधा, फि्र वाईफाई, एक घण्टाको बोटिङ, कारमा आधा दिन पोखरा शहर भ्रमण, बसपार्क तथा एयरपोर्टसम्म यातायात लगायतका सुविधाहरु उपलबध हुनेछन् ।


ल्यान्डमार्क फरेष्ट पार्क रिसाेर्ट

त्यसैगरि, सौरहा घुम्न जाने नेपालीहरुलाई पनि चिसो पेय पदार्थले रिसोर्टमा स्वागत गरिने बताइएको छ ।

डिलक्स रुममा उपलब्ध हुनुका साथै हरेक दिन ब्रेकफाष्ट, लञ्च, डिनर, फि्र वाईफाई, थारु गाउँ तथा सूर्यास्तको अवलोकन, थारु कल्चरल डान्स, हात्ती सफारी, बर्ड वाचिङ, हात्ती प्रजनन केन्द्रको अवलोकन लगायतका सुविधाहरु उपलबध हुनेछन् ।